Friday, April 17, 2009

A How To Go Galt Site

How To Go Galt is an excellent meet up place for exchange of ideas on Going Galt. This page here details levels of exodus. Wealth producers unite. It is the only way.
In the meantime, I see laughing lefties cheering us on..."Please go Galt", for example. Will the entitlement drone, welfare receivers OR the poor suckers who work for them be snickering when we're gone? They...don't get it.
"I swear by my Life and my love of it that I will not live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." ~Ayn Rand; Part three, Chapter 1 of Atlas Shrugged

Is Working Worth It?

Taxes have not gone up YET. My favorite sign at the Pittsburgh Tea Party on April 11th was, "If you think health care is expensive now, wait til it's free!" Someone, many someones, will pay for the Obamanation. Sorry, just the facts. So many links, so little time. Michelle Malkin had a second article on March 10th, about the Galt Movement. Eventually, I will have a nice gathering of articles, one at a time. If you haven't got the patience, Michelle Malkin does this for a living.

Another Article and MORE!

Real Clear Politics offered this article from Michelle Malkin on March 9th. I think it is the same as a previous link, but for any newbies, have at it. But WAIT! THERE'S MORE! I was so torn about going to our noontime Tea Party because I, uh, have a job. Am I being hypocritical to not just GO GALT and skip the job for the sake of my country? But the good ole work ethic prevailed.
What the elite do not realize is that anyone paying attention to what is happening in DC and in our states are the very ones with dynamic work ethics. Thus the point of the Galt Movement, if and when it picks up speed. These people will be sorely missed because they are the thinkers, the movers and shakers. They are the creative producers. What politicians and other elitists do not understand is that we the people ARE THE COUNTRY. If Ayn Rand was even close to right, a Galt Movement will be felt. "I didn't know about it", which is what President Obama said about the Tea Parties on April 15th, won't be a viable option. HE WILL KNOW. Dear Nancy Pelosi will not be able to say, "It was an astro-turf-down movement" because where it came from won't matter. She won't know what hit her.
God bless the USA.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Debate and Thoughts on Galt

The Opinionator (NY Times) commentor, Hank Rearden - like, has some regard for such falderal. After all, people are out there writing their Congressman, threathening not to pay their taxes and others are STILL clinging to their guns! (Like us)
Of course, the idea of going Galt is OUT THERE. These are OUT THERE times. What can you do to help give President BHO what he wants? (that is, a failing system and a society of beggars) How can you help shrink production?
Christian Exodus has been applying Galt-like ideas for years. Ve have vays. Check it out. People are talking.
Honest hangups: a small business cannot afford to pay rent while temporarily shutting down for lower taxation (under $250,000). Communities could support the business owner by donating rent fees so that the business would not have to permanently close its doors. It IS doable if we gather together and SURROUND THEM!